"Lavoroper" organisation originates from the natural evolution of the
volunteer's association "Volontari di Cuore", as an effort to promote craftmanship for people involved in a path of treatment of addictions.
"Lavoroper" is embedded in a system of services aimed to the social reintegration.
Among the goals reached during the first active years there are:
- The creation of five new working positions for underprivileges people
- The estabilishment of employment grants, to sustain the community's patients in the two months previous to the social reintegration,
- The backup of the volunteer's activities that take part in the various
cooperative's projects in different fields (educational, social, environmental, cultural...)
- The funding of a theater-therapy group for the people of Crema's neighborhood
To give concretness to this mission, "Lavoroper" started two ambitious projects.
This projects, still in the activation phase, expects the employment of two workers in the precise separation of PC desks, netbooks, laptops, mouses, keyboards, monitors, fax and scanners, swich, router, firewall, hub, access points and different kinds of networking attachments, back up units for pc and servers, elettronic boards (such as ram, processors, motherboards, audio cards, network cards, etc) telephone switches, answering machines, table telephones, cell phones with batteries, tablets, smartphones and attachments.
The second project is a convergence between craftmanship, productive efficiency aimed to
the reduction of costs and environmental safeguard.
The products promoted by "Una casa per le api" grant quality , affordable prices and low environmental impact: recycle, recovery and reuse are the values tha guide our little wood processing
project for the construction of beehives and dryers.
Sede legale: Via Olivetti n.19 - 26013 Crema (CR)
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 01570080190
Ai sensi della L. R. n. 1/2008, iscritta all'Albo Regionale delle Coop.ve Sociali (n. 838 - Sezione B) con Decreto n . 406/Settore Lavoro, Formazione e Politiche Sociali della Provincia di Cremona.