The current state of transformation.
The project's aim is to finalize our recycling system, automatizing a little part of the process.
Up to date, all the separation work is done completely by hand. Even the smallest components of the waste are disassembled, using precision tools.
The detailed separation of components allows a complete reuse of the final producs of the recycling, as well as the elimination of every termic of mechanic procedure possibly harmful for the environment and the weel-being.
You can support us by making a deductible donation in the banner below, or joining as
a promoter (testimonial) in the site
In order to keep our "ecological" efforts affordable on the economical field, we decided to create an additional added value by purcasing a "SINCRO 315 EKO" for recycling cables of copper, aluminum and ferrous materials.
This machinery will allow high quality performances
regarding energy consumtion and maintenance costs for the kg of the salvaged metals.
The new implant will allow a fast repayment of the previous investments, that will be used in the payment of the wages for the two workers employed.
Regarding the machine starting will be scheduled a autoformation project that will last a week.
Sede legale: Via Olivetti n.19 - 26013 Crema (CR)
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 01570080190
Ai sensi della L. R. n. 1/2008, iscritta all'Albo Regionale delle Sociali (n. 838 - Sezione B) con Decreto n . 406/Settore Lavoro, Formazione e Politiche Sociali della Provincia di Cremona.